Tuesday, December 11, 2007

taking a break

It was a crazy year in a lot of ways for us 5 Muckoskys.
My new "career" brought all kinds of fun and new adventures and with it a lot of adjustment for us as a family.
Tiara's struggles and amazing journey through all that she has been dealing with has had a real affect on us all ,
and lots of other life stuff has come our way over the last 12 months or so.

So this fall we took a break from the extra activities to just slow things down for a while. We wanted to just breathe a little bit more, we wanted the time to re-group and help the girls get into the groove of where they are at in life right now.

In the past three weeks or so our family has passed around 3 different flus and a pretty harsh sinus thing, so all of My mama lovin' and pretty much all of my time has been needed around here. Waking up through the night to help with a throw up pail or blow a little nose and rub a little back or taking the time I have needed myself to just sleep and get better when it is my turn. Hopefully this means that when it all subsides we will be immune to every possible bug floating around Winnipeg for the rest of the winter??? ( one can hope!)

I have been creating and I do have all kinds of projects in the works but the pace has been slower the past few weeks ,
it has been necessary.

Am I behind in my work? yes,

My laundry pile sky high? oh yeeeah ( I should take a picture it is fairly ridiculous)

The house?
a mess,
please don't ring my doorbell today, I may not answer... might just hide

But we are good. The kids feel loved and valued more than anything else in the world, my heart feels light and good with the knowledge that my priorities are right- for me, for us.

My heart is here at home first and foremost. It always will be.
My biggest and most precious gifts are right here no matter how busy the world may be, I am refusing to get caught up in the hurry worry.

We needed some extra time and love and rest in the last little bit and that is what we have been taking.

Thanks so much for your patience with me.
And thank-you for all of the wonderful emails that we have received in the past few weeks.

May the Holidays and the next year be filled with time that nurtures your spirit and everything that truly makes your heart happy

1 comment:

angismith said...

You are the most awesome artist I have seen in a long time and if waiting months for you to spend time with your family means doing without your creations for a long time, that is a price I am willing to pay.