Tuesday, January 06, 2009

catching the Big one

Sometimes I can write forever and I do get quite windy, it just comes spilling out. And other times, like now, I sit and think and I simply cannot really capture the spirit of amazing unconditional friendships and the times that we share in any sort of words.
So here you go, summed up in a few photos; is our evidence of one of many seriously AWESOME days with some of the greatest friends in the world...

We took the girls and jumped in the van for a little road trip to finish up winter vacation just right. We had an amazing time away with our good friends Krista and Braden and their little guys Ice fishing in the beautiful Q'uappelle valley this past week. I used to go to camp there every summer and this is seriously one of the most beautiful places to just be and breathe it in.
It's a totally different scene out on the frozen lake drilling holes in the frigid cold, but still super super beautiful. The kids had such a blast doing this all for the first time. Making the holes, clearing them out and keeping them clear (it was soo cold that the holes were freezing back up really quickly), making a fire to roast lunch and keep warm, hugging new slimy friends ( see Emy above LOL) and being a general buncha monkey heads (of course referring to me)
Uncle Braden is now even more of a hero than he already was to them!... thanks man!It is so so good to have friends that have been around since days of young, and you know will be around till you're wrinkly, no matter what may come.
So so good.


Kelli said...

Great hat!

Martha said...

Ice fishing? How cool...I've never done that, but it's not cold enough here unfortunately. Awesome photos!