Another page from my Grow journal.
it's a message to myself...
journaling inside of the word GROW says ""Every single day,never ever stop, never ever settle. Always learn and grow and stay open, life is full of undiscovered goodness."
We all can get stuck in a rut sometimes and forget to look up, I wanted to give myself a reminder not to let this happen :)
The background is made with tape, a text transfer, watercolors, prismacolors, pastels and acrylic paint. Lots of fun!

the weather is NOT sub arctic and I have fresh air streaming in through open windows...ahhh that puts everyone in a good mood, drives the kittens batty because they reeeeally want to get those birds out there but that too is slightly amusing. Laundry is hanging to dry and filling the house with scents of freshness, Vanilla tea is in my cup and I am putting the finishing touches on a new kit that is nice and springy and made on vintage book pages (Will share later in the week). I would say life is pretty dandy!

The reason I am not presently engaged in 4 year old play is that today the wonderful joys of preschool are busying Kaiella's little mind, and that, my friends is a VERY good thing!
She is show and telling her favorite doll "Maggie" and was pretty nervous about it on the way over to school, so I had her practice on me...cutest girl EVER. she says "...and when I hug her she shines like a star" insert big dreamy sigh and then proceeds to clear up for me that "Maggie does not actually shine light in the room from her belly button, but shines inside of my heart because she is my daughter and I loves her so much....just like you and me mama!"
oh melt my heart... Can you get any cuter than that?!
I'll play my little pony for the rest of my days if I can just bottle her up and keep her so sweet and small...sigh.
Tonight's to do list includes
-finishing my vintage book spring pieces
- working on a new class that I have been cookin' up
-making time to play in my ART journal for a bit...I figure if I can make myself do this every day then it will become a habit to make time for carefree creating again. need it love it want it...gotta do it!
-3 more loads of laundry to wash and hang
and hopefully tea and a movie with my Mom while I am up late "arting"
Wow! You're daughter has a way with words! So cute!
I can not wait for better springlike weather, laundry on the line, no snow and way more sunshine!
what a great quote and so very true :0)
this page is gorgeous!!!!! love the background and the handwriting!
OH WOW, I love your art journal page...so inspiring. I'm also excited to see the vintage kit you're putting together!! Sounds so cool!!
Have a great weekend,
Those are the sweetest little girl comments ever!
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