I can't believe how fast the summer has gone and here we are already at back to school week. ( well we were when I began writing this post anyways LOL!) Emilea started grade three this year. GRADE THREE!!!! that seems so big, I can't believe how these sweet girls of mine grow. Other than her first wasp sting just as we were going to take the annual backpack pic on the step in the morning, Emilea went back to school like a little pro. Her teacher seems amazing and I am excited to see how the year unfolds. Look at that little giggle of hers, she sure keeps us smiling and being thankful for every day. Seriously; lately I stand back and watch her, she laughs easily and sparkles with such an amazing inner beauty, Sometimes I can't believe that God chose me to have the great privilege of holding her little hand and guiding her as she grows. Being a mama is the most amazing gift I could have ever been given, and not something I take for granted for even one day. Y'know, each of our girls came to us in such different circumstances and each of them has changed our life so much.

girl #2:
Here is one of Tiara's "first day of Kindergarten" photos. She goes to school twice a week ALL day instead of every day-half days, so she has only had 4 classes. It has been.....well, interesting so far. Her first morning was less of a pro experience than Emy's I have to say. Our summer was feeling so good, without the worry of socks and long sleeves and pants to fight with on her little sensitive body, and without the pressure of places to be by 8:20 am, she settled into a very happy space. The whole experience with sensory integration disorder and all of the anxiety that has accompanied that for my little sweetie comes in waves and all we can do is ride it out. Thankful for the good times and ready with extra love for the hard times. I knew in my heart that all of her little issues may creep up in the face of a new school year but I think I was kind of refusing to really deal with that and was half hoping that it could possibly really be smooth sailing. The night before her big day I realized how much worry I actually do have deep down about handing her over. About trusting that these wonderful teachers really will see when she is overwhelmed and that they really will be able to help her cope with such a long day. As soon as those little newly socked feet went into her runners and the socks pulled up against her toes it all got thrown off and she declared that there was NO WAY she was going to school.
OK we can do this......
We worked together drawing a rainbow heart and talking about just going to see what the class was up to. Did this gently until we just had to "get Emy to school" and Tiara came along and ended up having a pretty good day! She was not on time and there was no first morning photo taken like all the other kids, I did not get to help her find her cubby and hover grinning at the door... but she made it. Sweet little jellybean toes bare in her runners and reluctantly ready to TRY.
Ah well, I just keep telling myself that without the struggle a caterpillar wouldn't become a beautiful butterfly. I am sure that all of Tiara's journey will help her grow into a strong, smart and amazing young lady, I just need to keep praying for the tools that I need in order to be there supporting that journey.

girl #3
and of course even though she did not start any kind of school this fall, the littlest sister did a bit of posing as well on that first day :) So proud to be newly three years old, she thinks she can take on the whole word. Power to ya my little Bella, go for it!!!
Happy week to you my friends, here's to the journey!
p.s. check out Tiara's gift for you this week on my CK blog and the new download page that Cam made for us :)