My littlest one, Kaiella. sigh. getting so big and always such a joy ( almost always, unless she's hungry LOL)

At 6 1/2 she...
-Loves to play make believe with tiny toys; most often little ponies, playmobil baby Jesus, or littlest pet shops
-Has lost 8 teeth and is eagerly awaiting their return
-Has lost 8 teeth and is eagerly awaiting their return
-Is very best friends with her sister Tiara; two peas in a pod, she imitates all of Tia's opinions, mannerisms and ideas
-Is quite a good artist for such a little peanut and makes all of her adorable art "To Mama Fum Bella"
-Loves to read her "early reader" books; especially silly willy, and I Like me
-is constantly moving, dancing and singing...I think there is a song in her heart and a rhythm in her soul at all times. It's a wee bit hard to sit beside her on the couch or at the dinner table but other than that her wiggly joy makes all of us smile
-Is learning to skate on her own, "glide, glide , glide" insisting that daddy teach her so she can play hockey
-says the cutest goodnight prayer asking for "good dreams please, and happiness in my little heart"
-Loves to be all dressed up; skirts, bracelets, earrings, pretty boots, hair clips...the more the better! and still let's me make her outfits in the morning if i want to
-Still is the most peaceful and easy of our bunch, just sort of going with the flow most of the time and fitting in with whatever her big sisters have cooking
Here is my latest page for my girl. journaling says:
"Oh little radiant angel of mine, always know that you are adored, that you are oh so perfect just the way God made you; full of peaceful Joy and gentle kindness. Little one, you shine with a beauty that starts in your heart & shines from the stars in your eyes. Shine on little Angel, shine on"
using a few of my newest design bits on this page

And finishing touches with Amy Martins yummy heart stitches
Here's to preserving 6 years old is so very HAPPY!