Today as I have spent the day creating I am thankful
thankful that I grew up as an only child
and my mom wouldn't get TV
thankful because it forced to truly use my imagination...truly
Today I am thankful that I didn't grow up wealthy, that I didn't have every toy and every cool gadget out there.
it made me grateful,
it made me look a the things in my world,
I made A LOT out of toilet paper rolls, and styrofoam trays
for that I am immensely thankful
because it made me see creativity in my world....truly
my story makes me who I am today
the things that may have seemed like missing out to some kids made me truly rich
rich in the ways that matter.....truly
Today as I have spent the day creating I am thankful...truly
thankful for this life of mine
a life of imagination, creativity and true riches.