hey there, just wanted to pop in and let you know that as promised, I have been slowly getting some of those old draft posts up that have been building over the jamm-packed-away -from-home summer months. If you pop by here for a visit please scroll down and check out how our summer has been rolling :)
I will keep adding them as I find bits of time to throw on the photos and spell check ;)
Been working hard on a few VERY exciting new projects, well... I think they are exciting anyways, hope to share more details very very soon.
We are away in the US right now getting in just a bit more quality time with the girls before the new school year gets under way.
Sending them off to school after the holidays is always so bittersweet for me. *sigh* I really do have the three very best girls in the whole world. Sorry if you have girls but I'm afraid I was blessed to get the best!
Hope your weekend is Fab, Fresh and always FUN!
peace and blessings and happy day wishes,
xo, me