Monday, April 30, 2007
hello neglected blog

Monday, April 23, 2007
Tiara's smile
Sunday, April 22, 2007
good weekend
oh and today is the last day to check this out:

Deann and Shanah are a blast they are so funny and they spotlighted my blog challenges on their "dishin the digi coast 2 coast" radio show ( near the end). New ones air every Tuesday. I got a kick out of listening to them and was totally thankful for some of the cool products that they pointed out as well. It is worth a listen for sure!
I am looking forward to seeing what this week will hold, have a happy Monday!
Thursday, April 19, 2007
My crazy baby is at it again! this girl is gonna be quite the crafter I tell you. she is loving to get her hands dirty these days. And she is so fast!!! I have no hope of catching her before she finds herself a new medium to create with LOL! Today she was "painting" her little stool with toothpaste, her hands were coated and she was delighted with her creation. This past weekend she went up to Emy's room with her and while Emy was looking away to set up a little checker game Bella thought she could use some of Emilea's cream! ( see photos!) not just a dab though, she dug in and felt extremely beautiful becoming "creaeeemy" I LOVE this kid. We all get such a laugh from her little antics. What fun it must be to dig in and discover all of these textures for the first time. I would just love to be 2 for a day!!!
Here is a layout I did last month about her getting into Emy's lipstick ( my blog challenge was to centre the focal point and add a photo story)
Tuesday, April 17, 2007

sharing happiness. I love to do it. No matter what is going on in your world, when you take the bit of extra time to care, to smile, to make a difference in someones day it bounces right back to you and fills your heart every time. My mom used to always tell me "what you put out comes back your way". It sure does. Smart lady that mom of mine :) You know, we are all just too busy these days, really. And it is far too easy to just be busy being busy. stopping just long enough to share some happiness blesses me a hundred times more than the person I stopped for every time guaranteed!!! So Lovely.
I was busy myself tonight, I have worked all night on some fun things for CK and Cam will start his work day later tomorrow so I can get some sleep , just one of the ways we are making things work for our family. In the quiet of the wee hours I always get thinking so these these are my 4 am thoughts and some purple flowers from our trip to Niagara Falls! forget scrapping challenges for this post, my challenge to you today is a different one...stop and share some happy with someone in your world.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
DVD filming week
We filmed at a local store called Artsy Tartsy. Julia, The owner stopped by and we got a photo. She was really nice
getting ready for the next segment. organizing projects , reading over my notes etc.
Lovely PAs Robin and Sarah. They have been totally amazing to work with! I even got to join Robin out for soup one night with her huband and baby girl
gallery updating

side note: wow I can't believe how Tiara had changed since last summer!

and this challenge was to let a special photo speak to you. hidden journaling is here
I can't get enough of these Kraft papers from making memories! Love em
I'll keep adding more pages as I have some time :)
happy Thursday

Wednesday, April 11, 2007
like to sew?
we're talking about stitches this week on my CK blog challenge. both digi and real...a bit of a hybrid challenge. I've put up some links to my favorite digi stitches and a new layout. come and play!!!