She is growing so much, thinking so much, and as always full of dreams. Sometimes I just have to stand back and watch her in amazement, my beautiful angel. This year she will begin grade four, turn ten and go through all of the changes and growth that go along with another year older. Friends will make her laugh and break her sensitive little heart and it is all a part of her journey. Sometimes the hardest part as a mama is letting go, standing back and letting that journey unfold.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Thursday, June 12, 2008
love is beautiful...

The day was freezing...seriously frigid Winnipeg cold. I was rolling around on the ground in my ski pants to get the right angles for their engagement pics, and Maureen and Shayne were incredible; smiling, laughing and striking a pose as if they were as warm as could be. In between locations we would all run for the car and crank the heat to try to get warm before doing it all over again.What a blast!
Thanks for such a fun day guys :)
Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Monday, June 09, 2008
getting messy

Sunday, June 08, 2008
happy as a clam at the sea

Love this dutch signpost s'cool!

and the sign for the round-abouts...we don't have these and I would be super confused driving on them but RAD anyways!
I will have to download the photos from my classes and add some later; as usual I met some truly amazing people who really touched my heart, it is not a surprise to me anymore the way I am touched by my students and how amazing their lives and stories are, but it is just as special. Thank-you all for being willing to trust me and try new things, for listening and believing in the importance of telling our best stories and for being willing to open up and share them with me throughout our days together. Bless you all and I hope to see you again in the future!
Time to try and call my little ones and then get some shut-eye for now, but no holiday would be complete without a good self portrait.
goodnight friends
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Thursday, June 05, 2008

Today Lovin':

Tuesday, June 03, 2008
notes from the air

Good news is that our house smells like wonderful fresh hanging laundry.
As for the angry hot water tank; it has been fired and in it's place stands a shiny new well behaved model.
done. end of story.
2. It is official: we are off and flying on our June Europe adventure.
and as you can above see I am a total die hard airplane-window-cloud-photo-taker ( along with my friend B, lol you know who you are!) No matter how many times I fly I am always taken by the beauty and bigness of creation. the super blue of the blue sky and those amazing fluffy cotton ball clouds; I just turn into a little girl in awe every single time. The best part is #3.......
3. Someone needs to pinch me because I seriously can't believe that I actually have this adorable boy of mine on the way to Europe with me!!!
4. RAWK ON WORLD here we come! :)