These few pictures I took during Tiara's last appointment at Children's Hospital mean a lot more to me than two kids smearing foam on a mirror. They mean answers...a beginning. This is only the beginning of our journey to help Tiara deal with her world. We have started Occupational Therapy and they do all kinds of sensory stuff with her. Lucky for Kaiella she gets to do it all too! She keeps asking if we can go to "Taara's pointment" I am glad they make it so much fun, even though Tiara is pushed to do things that are uncomfortable for her, it is done in such a "safe" way that she can cope alright with all of the activities. Today I am thankful for beginnings. A new beginning is filled with so much hope and promise. What are you thankful for today?

I also just want to say thank-you again for all of the amazing comments that were sent to me after my last post about Tiara's sensory issues. I had no idea that so many other people out there were dealing with this. It's good to know we are not the only ones :) have a happy day!
I am so happy that your little sweetie is doing so well :D She must get her strong will and positive outlook from you :D
Hi CD!
I was reading some old blog entries and wanted to know how K's MRI report ended up... I'm assuming it's okay but...Inquiring minds want to know! I've been thinking about her and your other sweet little ones.
awesome! that's just soooo awesome that you have found a tangible way to begin to help her cope with the world around her. she is lucky to have such a supportive family around her. keeping you in our prayers.
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