Back to school after an amazing summer.
It is always bittersweet for me, sending the girls to school in September. I Love having them home with me and I just want to keep them here, but I am so proud of them and it is great to see them growing into such wonderful people.
Emy has this thing for school uniforms, she is so adorable, and thinks it would be just dreamy to have to go to boarding school. LOL. So I totally indulged her and let her dress as very much "school girl" as she possibly could come up with. She pulled it off fabulously and was such a doll in her little outfit :)
Tiara, starting grade one, being gone all day, EVERYDAY.
I have so many feelings about this. Not the usual mom letting go kind of feelings, well maybe a few tiny ones, but more of the worry over a child with severe sensory issues and so many anxieties being able to handle the intensity of a full week at school kind of worries. A full week of noise and busyness and GETTING DRESSED properly in clothes that are not half of a pair of P.jammies. She needs/thrives on routine so I think that once she settles in it will be a great thing to have every day the same, but I worry about the the rocky road that I know we will have to get past first.
And of course we have the wee one...I can't even believe that my littlest baby is starting preschool this year. WOW times change so fast. The thing I love about having a blog is the record that it keeps, and how I can look back at what was going on a year or two ago. Check out these little people just
two years ago!That was Tiara's first morning of preschool and little Bella was such a baby still. She really is thrilled to feel like one of the "big girls" and is going to have such a great time making her own little friends and her own little crafts etc.
The girls were super excited about these lunch "purses" they got this year. Aren't they great?! I want one;)
And Tiara is proudly holding up her one little finger to stand for Grade One.
GO my girls, and grow even more amazing!!!
Happy September,CD