Ahhh a much better day today, We spent a few hours with our cousins over so I could do a photo shoot of 5 week old baby Miles, how nice to have such a tiny little one in the house today. And the older girls took off with my mom to help her pot some plants while Bella was sleeping, meaning I was able to get some work done...... And yes, hear myself think for a bit. Sorry about the slightly negative post for yesterday, it is just that once in awhile the zoo takes over, and I know I'm not the only mom who feels that way. So anyways, I got some things done that I needed to do and got this page posted for the Designer Digitals inspiration gallery showing off a lot of the awesome stuff from Katie's new Botanist Notebook collection. You can view a complete supply list HERE. I just love this photo of Tiara she is so perfectly pleased, and what better of a title than "delight" Speaking of delight , I definitely found it in my favorite snack tonight!!! Okay I have to tell you EXACTLY how to have it, mmmmmmm...LOL! First you need a bowl of reeeally good vanilla ice cream and you gotta stir it up until it's kinda soft ( not runny though), then wash a bunch of fresh blueberries and mix them in, you got to let it sit for a few minutes so that when you take a bite the berries have slightly frozen and they just pop in your mouth!!! Just wonderful I tell you :)
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Time to hear
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
We had a great home day yesterday, chilled out here with my two little ones and we only left to go and pick up Emilea from school. This may sound boring , but let me tell you after a couple of super busy weeks it was well deserved and a needed break. Oh I definitely have to come back on here when I upload the photos from my camera and share a few... Let me just say that when I turned around yesterday there was Kaiella using her own head as a potato head, very funny!!! Oh, and some good news, two of my layouts were picked up by Scrapbook Trends for September! It was cool to get the e-mail just before Krista arrived because the two that were requested are pages I did of them ( our close friends Krista & Braden) they are totally stoked about it, and I have to say it's fun to be able to make our friends feel like stars :)
Bella is sleeping and Tiara is off on a little field trip with my mom. We have now removed all dairy completely ( not even dairy with lactaid pills) but the crazy extreme screaming seems to be back these days, not nearly like before but still extreme enough to be pretty hard on everyone, especially the other girls, they just don't know what to make of it all and it really scares them. And we try and explain but it never seems to make sense to them " her pants were just a little too tight" or " mommy seems to have chosen the wrong shirt for Tia this morning, and didn't give her enough strawberries, everything is okay" meanwhile, this usually sweet and happy girl is having a seriously frightening meltdown. It definitely wears on me some, I really like peace. Now we are not talking super nanny behavior problems situation here. This is stuff going on in her little system, we just need to look further to figure out what is all going on. So if anyone feels up for it, any prayers in this department would be really appreciated.
I'm off to have a little quiet time while the house is quiet and do a little praying of my own :)
Monday, May 29, 2006
My dancer

We have had so much crazy busy wonderful fun these past few days! And in there was Tiara's very first dance recital! It was so sweet! I was worried about how she would do up on that big stage, but she was fantastic, didn't miss a beat, man that girl was born to dance!!! Took a few quick pics of her in costume before she left, and she was showing me all of her moves. I love Tiara at four, the best age so far for her! It feels like she is finding her little self and really settling in to the person that she is, if that can make sense at all for a little four year old. She was showered with flowers from family fans after the performance and I have never seen her so pleased and proud! YaY Tiara!!!
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Baby Bella

my sweet baby is getting so big but sometimes she still looks so soft and small, I love this age! One and a half is totally magical, every day new words, funny little tricks and an amazing little personality developing. Kaiella is such a fun and easy little girl she loves to take our keys and go sit and use them as a screw driver to do some "sixing" things, and if she's yelling and we say tell us nicely she stops immediately to say "peeease" whether please was in order or not. She's so polite in fact that if someone bumps into HER she says "wooorry" to them although there was no need to apologize. ahhhhh what a sweetie. That's it, I was just loading the photos off of my little Nikon that i had outside with me the other night and this one felt so soft and sweet.
Monday, May 22, 2006

My poor neglected blog readers!!! I have to tell you I am still here, not sick or injured, no horrible family crisis just reeeeaaaally busy!!! I am so sorry for not keeping up to date it seems that by the time I get as much work done as I can it is the wee hours of the morning and I have no blogging left in me, though I do often think of things I'd like to come ramble about or I even take pictures of cool happenings so that I can share them. It will pick up again after this week. A whole bunch of deadlines will be done for me. And life will get back to a more normal pace.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006

So that is all of my busyness and some of my reasons for being somewhat absent...Sorry! I just had to blog today though because I have had two really exciting days! Yesterday I was picked to be digi-gal of the day at two peas!!! That was really exciting to see ME! As the choice and all the kind words from the chickees over there. And then today I get this urgent message from Kim on my messenger, hang on, let me quote her "AHHHHHHHCOME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!This is importantSo sosososososososo importantwhere are you?????Oh for goodness sake if I had your phone number i WOULD CALL YOU!!!!!!!!!!EEEK" ..........Curious what that is all about? You gotta go check it out here and for those who read this after today and it is maybe no longer up there

Happy Day Everyone!!!
Thursday, May 04, 2006

Oh, how I love this Tiara girl of mine! For awhile people were thinking I had only two girls because Kaiella was not getting her fair share of attention in my work and on here.Now I'm thinking with all the photos of Tiara lately it is starting to look like I only have one girl! Sorry, to my other girls, Tiara has just been such a character these days and so willing to pose for my camera. Look at the joy in her little face! We were outside and she was hopping on the front walk. What a sweet Blessing she is to me, she is really a very caring and fun little girl. I was out tonight having munchies with the ladies on my team from church, so nice to get out for a few hours and just chat. Oh my! the forcast here is calling for snow!!! which is so like the weather here, it's always wierd and a little bonkers around this time of year, you never know if you will need a parka or shorts. Ah well, sure makes life interesting. Good Night all!
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
A Monday challenge #4 (on Tuesday!)
So first off, I have to apologize for posting our Monday challenge on Tuesday! Yesterday was a busy one, and I was over at the Ultimate Digi scraper chat ( which I will talk about more later) and then Designer Digitals in the evening soooo here I am now! I have finally got the a-ok from CK to share my layouts that I had submitted to Hall of Fame ( they had asked me to hang on to them for awhile) I am amazed when I look through them how very much my style has changed since then! But I will share them anyway because my heart still went into them, even if I would do it differently now.
One of the assignments I chose for my HOF submission was "Trend Watch" the job was; interpreting the trends you see around you in non-scrapbook related areas like home decorating, fashion, or advertising, and turn them into a LO. Mine was pretty crazy, I chose the circle trend. This circle pattern that I love on a scarf of mine ( and a bag and a few of the girls bathing suits!) I made it into a layout showcasing some of the highlights of our 3 week family vacation last summer. The kids love this one, they love remembering all the cool things we did together, and I managed to get 51 photos on here! That is just crazy. So here it is
We had so many great memories I could have done 4 more layouts like this to try and fit them in! to see the photos larger check out my gallery post
and this is the scarf that inspired me
So my challenge for this week is to look around you and find inspiration in a non-scrapbooking trend. Then interpret it in a layout. Be sure to post a photo or scan of what inspired you if you can along with your layout so we can all see how your mind was working! Then e-mail me ( link at the bottom of the blog) with the link to your posted page(s) by Sunday May.7th. Something a little different and fun for this week. I always find that challenging yourself to think differently is a great way to grow!
Monday, May 01, 2006
The Sweet shoppe treat for May is MEEEEE!!!

I said in my last post that I have bunches of good news and I really do! Getting an honorable Mention in CKs Hall of Fame contest, being chosen to be on two awesome creative teams, and having a few pages published, and now being featured...Well that is, in a super short time, just more than I ever imagined would happen...EVER. So anything more is just such a surprise to me and I just really feel Blessed. I know I say that a lot but it is just really true! I know most of that is not new news So, get this... I have been working on an assignment for scrapbooks etc. AN ASSIGNMENT! Wow, that was a huge surprise to me. So I am scrapping something, just can't show it right now.
I may not get a chance to post the Monday challenge and my normal little babble about my life untill later this evening. I have used up my computer time for this morning and have to carry on with regular life now. So, TaTa for now and check back later. Our inspiration will be found in a totally new way this week, not anything in print! And by the way, Thank-you for letting me celebrate a little :)
Out for publication!!!

It is an exciting day today! I have bunches of good news to tell everyone!!! I just feel so lucky...Well Blessed with my scrapping these days. Such neat developments have been happening for me. This is my first official publication sign! I am just thrilled to need it! For the first time I got a response from regular submitting! Scrapbook trends Magazine has requested three of my layouts for their August publication!!! yipeeee, as you can see I am totally excited! Note: this sign is mostly new stuff by Tia Bennett, the tag and knot are by Katie Pertiet. And the colors make me happy! a yummy combination. It's so fun to have a place to share my news. I'm off to do another post right now, so see ya soon!