My little Tiara, as seen in Scrapbooks etc. nov/dec issue. This photo just says it all! she really is so very full of life. I LOVE this delightful little face. thanks for letting me share :)
Happy day wishes to you
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
full of life
Friday, January 19, 2007
quick note
Should be an RSS feed over there soon. Have a good weekend!
chat tonight

Wednesday, January 17, 2007
today I Get Over IT !
:) smiles to you, enjoy the day!
my snow people!
We have been doing some running around getting everything we need for our passports, not such an easy process. It will be a happy day when I can go and pick them up and check that off of my list. Beginning to think more about preparing everything for our trip to California, I can't believe how fast time seems to be going. I leave in 10 days! WOW! I am really looking forward to this new adventure, I have never been to winter CHA and going there with the wonderful ladies on the CK team is sure to be delightful. then at the end my Cam and Emilea will arrive and I can't tell you how pumped I am to see her reaction to this cool part of my scrapping world ( she's a little scrapper too y'know) I think she's gonna flip out!
happy Tuesday
Friday, January 12, 2007
what can I do for you?
There is one question that I have gotten so often, “how do I begin to customize my blog space like you have done?” To be honest I really have no idea, I am blessed to have a husband who is a software developer and does these types of things for me! I am happy to say that he has agreed to write up some basic instructions and we will leave a link here on the side of the blog soon.
I really do love to hear from you all, I am so grateful for the friends I have met from all over the world through this beautiful art we do. We tell each other our best stories and get to know the magical moments of each others lives through our pages. And through that we get to know so much about each other. I feel like I know so many of you from the parts of your lives you have shared. I always wanted a pen pal as a little girl, I could have never dreamed I would get so many!!! Thank-you.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
a whole hand!!!
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Experience life!
I wish you the joy of speeding down the hill, experience life my friends! what a beautiful thing :)
Saturday, January 06, 2007
a bunch of happy

click on image to view larger
This is the original version of one of my all time favorite pages ( a simpler variation seen in CKs digital insert- Jan 07) I really wanted to share the layout just as I made it, because I love it. but also I have been thinking about When I had my CK online crop and made one of the challenges to "let your product lead you" I was surprised to hear how many people had never thought this way. Some of my favorite pages have been inspired simply by one cool product that I just HAD to use and built around that. For example this page began with Amy Martin's cool bookplates. I love the memory I have of little Tiara happily discovering that she could wash the windows with snow, but I had been unsure for some time as to how I would scrap these 6 photos. These bookplates reminded me of windows and that was all of the inspiration I needed to build from there! Phonebook tabs with corresponding numbers tell the story in point form.
I want to encourage you once again if you are someone who most often looks for product to fit in to your layout, to switch things up once and awhile and let the product be your starting place. It's all kinds of fun! and speaking of fun, head over HERE to check out some new work ( with new fonts on it ;) and the first of my weekly CK blog challenges; this week it is called "just for fun"... I love this attitude, it makes me happy!
Honestly though, that is not hard to do these days. I am happy. Happy to have these beautiful kids, happy that my husband is amazing, that we are a family who laughs a lot. Happy that my work is my passion ( how lucky am I?!). and you know I am seriously just happy to breathe in the fresh air when we step outside. There are plenty of things I could grumble about for sure ( and believe me I do), but it's not going to help anything really, is it? so I would much rather look and find the things in my world that make me happy. choose to be happy. I hope that this will help the girls to grow to see the world through these eyes as well, that they can grow to be people who look for the good that surrounds them and be thankful for it.
thanks for stopping by today to see what's up in my little corner of the world, have a good one :)
Thursday, January 04, 2007
what is.......
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
a glorious mess!

This describes my house right now, everywhere I look is covered in wonderful messes, I mean covered! I am not complaining at all, far from it...I LOVE it! I am looking around and just grinning, it makes me so happy LOL! I see evidence of a blessed life in every direction, proof of fun and creativity. New books being discovered, puzzles and games that have been played over and over, markers glue and sequins from crafting with the kids. There are mittens and hats strewn about, drying from a romp in the snow. I have been making things with the girls today and we are having such fun, Tiara has been sitting at my island with me and she has made me at least 8 pictures and projects, the other 2 coming and going as they like. She wrote me a letter on the last picture, so so so cute! It says: "I love crafting with you mama, you are the best crafter in the whole world, have a special day, I love you sweet mama" This stuff right here is just the highlight of my life. I need to pull out the vacum and suck up the popcorn and sequins and little bits, but first I wanted to stop and smile at it all. One Big happy hurricane :)
The picture is a silly one of Tia from last week, we went out to the children's museum with our friends who were visiting from Seattle. Lots of fun!
hoping you can enjoy some happy hurricanes while the kids are home from school ;) Happy Wednesday

Monday, January 01, 2007
Check out this New Years treat!
Happy New year!!!
Here is the view down our street, awesome hey?! I LOVE the way the snow piles up on the evergreen trees, and the air is so crisp and fresh to breathe in, just like after a spring rain shower only chillier...Delightful! I Love living here, I love every minute of this, When I wake up and rush to the window to discover a world covered under a beautiful shimmery blanket I feel like a little girl all over again, and watching the girls discover it all and fully delight in the moment makes it 100 times better.

the kids had so much fun, sliding down the driveway, tunneling through the deep snow, creating beautiful snow angels and helping to shovel . The best part is that it is not our usual -35c at all, more like -5c ( which for those of you who don't speak Celsius is quite pleasant) So we get the best of it all ! all of the great snowy adventures that we love and nice enough temps. Not to be human popsicles.
Today I thank God for fresh flakey snow days. Tell me, what is wonderful in your world right now?