This week there is the perfect amount of crisp fresh chill in the air, it is sooo refreshing, makes me just want to stand on the spot and breathe it in deeply. The leaves are really starting to change colours, my favorites are the rich reds and yellows they make me smile everywhere I case it isn't already clear , I LOVE THE FALL!
Simply adore it.

I feel like it has been forever since I had the time to just make stuff that wasn't for a class or for my new designs , for a magazine article etc. I create differently when it is just for the sake of letting my heart and my hands do the walking and with no concerns for the how and why of it. I think that I need to make a plan with myself to do that more often.
OK, So here it is, my public declaration:
"Self, you need to make stuff just for the sake of making watch the creation take shape and unfold as if it has a life of it's own. And no matter how big or small or even how ugly, it HAS to happen once a week absolute minimum."
OK done deal signed and dated.

And me, I am happily playing around with old french dictionary pages, mesh, ink, matte gel and lots of sand paper all in a little old board book I am starting to turn into something'R'other the fun is really not knowing where it will end up till I get there. Tiara and Kaiella did most of the sanding ( see above for cute little busy hands) and all of the gessoing for me and they loved every single minute of much fun to get them involved in the creating and spend time together exploring what we can make. Some moms bake with the kids and around here we sand up books with aliens in them...why not.
Alright now I'm feeling the need for a sidenote: I don't often spend time talking to myself, but I figure that this blog is a pretty good place to keep myself accountable and so... what the heck!
Tiara and I settled right into making her a paint shirt for school today. She decided on a big T with wings and a halo and told me what to write on it. Such a great project to do together with a kid.
Just prepare the shirt with gesso in the area that you want to write/paint/colour on and then once it has dried completely treat it just like paper. Easy peasy and super fun together time!

My goodness! Reading your blog is so inspiring! Now, if I could just catch up on the house work and paper work so that I had the time to play with the art stuff. It's my goal!
Love your work!!! Cute Shirts you all made!!! I wanna get my scrapbook room painted and set up so bad so I can scrap,scrap,scrap!!!
Tracie Nashville,Tennessee
sounds super precious and cute, and that t-shirt is adorable, can't wait to see the finished project you made with your girls!
Ooohh, i love everything you create!
I LOVE your creations. You always inspire me! I recently made two canvases for my girls after I saw the beautiful one you created a while back. I had so much fun. Thank you for the wonderful idea. The shirt is super cute, one question; what is gesso and where can I buy it??
that is really neat. I love the design and she looks so pleased with her new shirt. This would be a great activity for me and my niece. I will look into the substance for the tshirt.
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