Thursday, December 03, 2009
Seriously Tia

Monday, November 23, 2009
New goodies

I Love that the end of this adventure means a fresh new beginning for us in a beautiful happy yellow house, and a lot of better solutions for keeping things simplified and in order, but I do have to admit that the journey is definitely wearing on us at the moment. Like Dory the fish says " Just keep swimming..."
Got to keep on keeping on for now!!!
( said with fist pump and as much positive "Go Go" energy as I have in me)
Friday, November 13, 2009
More Fun with Hamby

Created on the Hambly Kraft paper with silver dandilions, little transparent flowers made from overlays cut up, and lots of the cute hambly stickers on here

Thursday, November 05, 2009
Didn't they tell you?
This is a layout for My playtime as hambly's November guest DT girl...TONS of fun!!!
The background is just a piece of cardboard that was on my table with some of it's top paper ripped off; I Love the contrast of the pretty lace and design bits that I chose to tell this story and the rough rugeddness of the cardboard- the fact that it kind of doesn't belong is what makes me Love it! I must have used this as apalette at some point cuz it was partially covered with this great drippy thick blotchy white paint which gave me a perfect starting place!
Monday, November 02, 2009
Enjoy the Journey

a page in my Random Art Journal.
"Tick-Tock goes the clock, time keeps tickin' keeps on tick-tockin'...the time is now; Enjoy The Journey!"
I don't think there has ever been a season in my life where this doesn't speak to me. No matter the circumstances , no matter how crazy busy or upside down things can get I try so very hard to remember that if I can enjoy the journey and just take the ride through life with as much joy as possible then Every day is a gift, every day holds something I can learn and though they pass to quickly I can know that I held on to the moments with as much gratitude as I could muster.
I wish the same to you my friends.

Enjoy the Journey,
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Paint Crew

And mine speaks the truth!
Happiness was here indeed, as the college and career students from our church came over for the night last week to Bless us with their skillz!

It was so incredible to see how fast things can come together with a whole crew to help. We cracked open that can of "chocolate Fondue" brown, turned up the tunes, and before I knew what had happened the girls had facial hair, and our room was as cozy as can be...strange combo I know, but hey, it worked!

Monday, October 12, 2009
crazy times

It is one of those crazy times in life where you know you will look back and chuckle and say "
man, that was CRAAAZEEY!"
We have boxes packed up to store until we get to the next house, we have rooms pushed to the middle to receive some pretty paint, we have a bathroom half ripped apart because it is getting a makeover, and family popping in and out to help with the crazies...EVERY spare minute of EVERY day we are doing this thang and OMGoodness
It's all coming together and that RAWKS!!!
Friday, October 09, 2009
Dreamy pages
Here are a couple of pages I have done with the new Dreams take Flight goodies
First is "angel Boy"
I may live in a very very pink world here at our house, but lucky for me I get to be a proud auntie to some precious little boys and I LOVE these little drippy, drooly, happy wiggly pictures of sweet baby Kane, he truly is a little bundle of Joy 100%.
As soon as I started going through his little 3 month session to edit I KNEW I had to do something with these two shots, this kit was just the thing I needed!

This one is called "Summer Friends"
This friendship truly is a gift from heaven in so many ways, and both of these girlies are such radiant wonderful people. These are two girls who know how to use their imagination's and how to explore with open hearts and muddy toes...I Love it!!!
Sooo... for some more awesome inspiration from the talented Scrap Artist Design team check out these great pages too!
"Dreams Fly" by Danielle Donaldson

Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Dreams Take Flight

Come and check out the whole big collab kit available for October only!
ETA: This kit and alphabet have now been moved to my store
A sure sign is the lack of kid/life photos being shared...it is obvious that my life as of lately is not being lived with a camera in hand as it so often is. Don't get the wrong idea I'm not actually mad wild paparazzi, well Ok maybe a bit, but I usually do pick up my camera once or twice a day and capture a little slice of life around here. Instead I have been painting, and tearing out old trim, and giving away things I am not using often enough, doing some guest art here and there and then squishing and hugging and loving little girls, and it starts all over the next day...
I know, I know, everyone's life is busy, but me, I like a little but more of a chilled out pace, I am a chilled out kinda gal.
Even though I do know that my silly chilly way of life will grace me with it's presence again before we know it I am going to pretend just for today that all is chills-ville and just to make me happy here is a random selection of photos from the last couple of months....Lots of Tia because she loves the camera and just a few of our other girlies because they are far too busy enjoying the fall to stop for me to grab pictures of them!

Sunday, September 20, 2009
For all of you scrappers...
Little Dreamer is having a store wide Fall sale and EVERYTHING is marked down 25-35% !!!
I did manage to get in the fall spirit a wee bit and have a few new things up in the store ( finally!)
Here are my bits, one brand new and two re-releases, and I have lots more in the works for some fun guest stuff coming up in October, so be sure to check back soon and see what's up :)
Happy Creating to you
Friday, September 18, 2009
A little free online lesson to share

There's tons of fun info and ideas shared there all the time, it's definitely one to add to your bookmarks.
Come on over today and check out my lesson on EXACTLY how to make this layout in just one hour!!!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Be radiant, Go strong into this day!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Kindergarten baby

Anyways, She was so excited that she got up this morning and drew a little picture for her teacher, requested pea soup in the new soup thermos for her first lunch, and got all prettied up in her new knee highs and sweet sweater. Such a funny little monkey she has been so excited and then came the tears when it was time for me to get her settled at her little table. The thing with baby #3 is that I KNOW she will love it, she will be totally fine and she is more than ready for the fun that she is about to have. So I am not having tears in the van this time. Amazing since I thought sending my littlest one would make me sad...but no. The days will go by so fast and I will have her little arms around me every second day for this year anyways, next year when she goes every day I might feel differently, but for today she is our newest school girl and we are so proud of her :)

Monday, August 31, 2009
Go me!!!!! ...are there Sea snails?
dude, we are like burrowing down in the ocean bottom sand with the sea snails right now......are there sea snails??? I dunno, maybe I just made them up, but you get the idea.
Today I jumped back on the meal planning bandwagon once again...don't get all excited now, cuz I know I'll fall off in a month or two when life needs attention more in another direction, but for today we are STOCKED!!!!!
I couldn't even fit all of the bags in my superstore sized cart and the bag hangedy hooks were missing too, so it was a fabulous balancing act to get it all out to the van.
But, OH, SO worth it!!!
The menu for our coming suppers this week is...
Lasagna, Cesar salad and garlic bread
Garlic pork steaks, fresh Manitoba corn, and roasted baby potatoes
Perogies and koulbasa with a coleslaw salad
tortellini with 4 cheese sauce and fresh baked buns
Toasted tuna melts and pea soup
french toast, hashbrown patties and french toast ( because breakfast is ALWAYS yummier at supper time!)

Monday, August 17, 2009
wings of freedom

This canvas is a reminder for me, and for my girls, hung right in our upstairs hallway outside of all of our bedrooms where we begin our day.
I believe that it is so true;
We all have such beautiful potential within us if we can just stretch open our freedom wings and believe that we can each take off in all of the beautiful ways that we were made to fly.
Having said that though, in walks self doubt and a few good ol' bummer days to Rob us of our freedom...that positive mind set is easier said than done right?
So here we go;
a bright reminder hanging in our hallway right at eye level!

Take flight in faith.