Look at me lost in my beautiful wonderful pile of happiness!!! thank-you to KI memories for giving me enough product and awesome beautiful albums to open a small store!!!! WOW! I am amazed and feel totally blessed to have these things come my way! some products I only dreamed of but just didn't have the $$ to spend on it all ( scrap budget, y'know). I am totally digging into this yummy stuff and using it on some of my projects on-the-go NOW! This is like the set for life lottery for scrapbookers!!!
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
be encouraged....and Thank-you KI !!!
Thank-you Legacy!!!

what do you see in this picture? the dump of snow we have gotten in the last 24 hours? yes. it is suddenly a winter wonderland here. and I am happily awaiting my evening out trick-or-treating in the snow with a little giraffe, cinderella and a bumble bee. what else? a whole entire palette, as tall as me!!!! boxes and boxes filed with pretty pretty organizing goodies from Legacy!

Monday, October 30, 2006
still Growing
This is an older layout of mine that I had done for a challenge to make a page about how you see yourself. supply list can be seen here. I loved the way it made me dig deeper than I normally would in my scrapping about me...well if I even scrap about me lol! I think the journaling is just really real...something I will want to look back on years from now, so I figured I would share this.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
a family weekend

It has been a nice family weekend, and good to take some breaks from the work I have been doing ( I'll explain that later) Tiara started a new gymnastics program on Friday and Emilea did on Saturday. Then Little Kaiella did a dance show for all of the grandparents at her mom-and-me dance class. It was really cute! We took her out with the grandmas to Tim Hortons for donuts afterwards. She wanted more and more! 5 Timbits didn't cut it, I am sure she would have eaten the whole box if we let her!
The gang is all back as I am writing this and I can hear buzz upstairs of baking sugar cookies with Daddy, rented movies, and the pumpkins that they picked. Off I go to join in the fun! hope you are all getting in some good fun family time this weekend
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
be happy
Memory Trends- my version
here is another little web album, if you are interested, click on the image above and it should take you to the photos. from there you can click on the first photo to see them bigger or just chose a slideshow.
OK So, first of all, I apologize for being the slowest person ever to blog about Memory Trends, I haven't said much about the show itself and I wanted to share a wee bit. There just has been so much else to talk about!
The show was a blast, it was busy but the good kind of busy that means you are having fun! It was so cool to meet so many really great people, I can't wait for the next show now so that I can see some familiar faces :) Thank goodness I had Leslie keeping me on time, because I would have happily chatted all day long and lost track of time all together! On the first day she really got me everywhere I was scheduled to be, brought me water and was just a real doll to be around. The sponsors were all very good to me, I started the day at CKs booth and found it super funny to see my big face on the SOY sign! Nice to meet some of the more behind the scenes CK staff too they were all super friendly, I can't wait for my trip out there to the offices to see them all again! We headed over to Legacy crafters next and I have to say I adore this bunch they are fun and just way cool to hang out with, I felt right at home with them, except when Max started waving my big face sign in the air and announcing that I was there, I think my face turned a new shade of pink, but I still got a kick out of it. That is just what I loved about them, their willingness to have a good time. Leslie picked me up for my Diva craft lounge interview and then we were off to KI memories. I really enjoyed myself there too, Ira and the other KI folks were totally welcoming to me and the people who stopped by were totally ready to make something, I had fun meeting folks and seeing the cool ways that everyone's mind works so differently even with pretty much the same product. I love that! Then off to HP where I got to see an idea of just how HUGE the printer is that they are giving me! ENORMOUS! They had made up nice photo mats and people were getting a picture taken with me, printed right there, and being given a cool package to take with them. So that was fun. Next we left the show all together and got to relax a tad while Leslie drove us over to 'Pebbles in my pocket' to meet some nice ladies there. A super cute store, really set up nicely and I even picked up some yummy lolipops there for all of the SOY girls and a cool 7gypsies stamp for ME! Can't beat a store that has scrap supplies AND candy!!! Dinner with everyone was really nice, it was great to have some time to get to know some of the other girls a bit better too. That is one thing I really missed, I felt like there just wasn't enough time together with all of the amazing ladies to really connect the way I would have wanted too. We did stay after supper to get some extra visiting in and I can tell you I slept reeeeally good that night!
Day two Cam took over Leslie's job of getting me where I was supposed to be on time and I have to say he is WAY more strict than her! Honestly though, I have been really thankful for his organized brain guiding me through what I need to do next, not just that day but still now everyday. There is so much for me to think of and he does such a wonderful job of lovingly encouraging me to stay focused, or guiding me to what needs to happen next. Thanks babe!
We started the morning at Ellison where they showed me just how to use ALL of the new stuff I will be receiving from them, WOW, LOTS! I just can't believe the generosity of these 4 companies. I do have a confession to make, I had never used a die cut before this...Not a clue, scared of them even! But after our time there with the kind ( and patient) people from Ellison, I am totally excited to make some really cool stuff when my new machines and toys show up! A few repeat appearances on this day, which was fun because I was feeling even more comfortable with the whole thing. I was happy too for the chance to walk the show a wee bit and meet some of the super online friends I have gotten to know. That is my favorite thing. Meeting people, connecting. It is just wonderful! There was so much to take in and I loved it all, but it really is the people who make events like this so very cool. To all those I met, thank-you for making this experience great!
Monday, October 23, 2006
inquring minds
MRI update

Thank-you so so much for all of the kind thoughts and prayers sent our way. Cam and I were able to feel really peaceful about the whole thing and I am sure that helped her. Kaiella did as well as she could worried but brave, we had talked about and practiced the check-up part with her little fisher-price doctor kit and she even brought her own little plactic needle along with her! We promised her that after she woke up from her "sleep" we would go for ice cream, it was funny because she wanted to bolt after everything they did, like after checking her b.p. she would say tot he nurse "thank-you, OK done, bye, going for ice cream" she called her little gown a dress and felt so pretty, and the board on her arm for the I.V. they said was a "little bed" for her arm so she thought that was alright too. she was hard to put under, and before she was even fully out of the machine she was already awake asking for mama and her ice cream lol! we took her out for lunch ( she hadn't been allowed to eat since the night before and it was after 2pm) and she happily gobbled it up and then over to one of our favorite ice cream stores. She was so so happy. We will get results in 2-3 weeks. thank-you again to everyone for the caring and prayer.

Saturday, October 21, 2006
The chalking fun!

here's a little visual of my chalk Joy from the other day. you can see our totally chalked black coffee table ( what better to use as a blackboard right?!) and it may be hard to tell from here but Kaiella's back had already been given a pink Ball gown, You can see Emilea in this picture working hard on a glass slipper and Tiara was at the side doing a nice long glove LOL! I am happy to report the table is only slightly chalkie looking now and the fun they had was well worth it!!! looking at it just makes me smile so BIG! I love this! THIS is what being a kid is all about! adventure , fun , imagination and TOTAL freedom to play and create ANYTHING! I learn so much from these three little people every single day :)

Friday, October 20, 2006
MRI day for Kaiella

First of all I have to say that I totally Love this picture of little Bella, it just really captures "her" filled with total joy! dimple and all :)
Today is the day that our baby Kaiella goes for an MRI. She has suffered from dizzy spells since she was just under a year old. She will be running and playing or sometimes just sitting nicely and she suddenly gets really worried and upset, falls down or puts her head down and tells us "spinning!!!" It is not her inner ears so the Doctor is being very thorough and doing the BIG tests. I have to say the EEG was NOT fun, they made us leave and she was horrified to be held down while these things got put all over her head, she didn't calm down until they let me come back in and be with her. Good news is that I am pretty sure that test was all normal and good or we would have been contacted by now. I am glad to know that we get to stay with her for this one , and she will be put under so she really won't see the big MRI machine. I have been preparing her as best I can, telling about the I.V. in her hand, and that she will have a little sleep while they take pictures of her head. It may be hard on Cam and I, I am glad that we will have each other, I just really hope she can feel peaceful about it all, and that the doctors and technicians handle it all with sensitivity for her.
I was hoping to ask those of you praying folks out there to say a little prayer for us today. We sure would appreciate that.

Thursday, October 19, 2006
Make and Takes and my chalk joy

It was so much fun meeting people and sharing my make and takes with them. Leslie Miller and her little 5 year old Alexander did an amazing job putting together hundreds of make and take kits for me ( thank-you sooo much!) It is a little motivational card that showed off products from all 4 of our sponsors ( HP, Ellison, Legacy crafters, and KI memories) and explores the world of mixing digi and paper scrapping! People seemed to have fun with them and I just had a blast meeting and chatting it up :)
here are a few more sample cards:

I really hope some people will go home and explore new ways of creating, using all of the possibilities of digital, while adding the dimention and texture of traditional scrapbooking. And if nothing else, the quote on the card is one we all need a reminder of sometimes;
" there is great joy to be found here in this moment"
It happens to everyone, we get so busy and caught up in our day that we can just forget to stop and find the joy in the little things. for me right this moment I have these three sisters all playing happily together, Kaiella is sitting in the middle of the coffee table and her, Emilea and Tiara have sidewalk chalked all over it while I was blogging, the big girls are now drawing a ball gown, gloves and shoes on little Bella while she happily enjoys their attention and thanks them every few seconds. lol! I could be totally mad for the chalk all over, but I have got to say THAT is Joy if I have ever seen it!!! I love it! off to get some photos of the body art and my new home decor!
remember today to stop and look around at the great Joy in your life.
Have a Diva Day!!!

On my first day at Memory Trends I had a live radio interview with Diva Danielle and Rayme Royale on the Diva Craft Lounge. They crowned me and everything!!! you can find the links to listen to the show here. My interview is at the end of the first link and the beggining of the second one! Fun stuff!

Day one in Vegas

Tuesday, October 17, 2006
scrap yourself

I challenge you!
This weeks OTB challenge at Scrapartist was mine and I asked before we left if I could post it when we got home. So my challenge for this week is to scrap yourself. I know, I know, it's not innovative, or exciting, or some Fab new idea...but it is important and all too often left out of our scrapbooks. So please be like Nike and "just do it!" you won't regret it :)
make a layout about what makes you you, your thoughts on something, or a relationship ( with a pet, kid, thing....anything goes!) or a single moment, as long as it is you in there!!! when you have done your "you" layout come and join in posting over at scrapartist in the challenge gallery or leave me a link here in the comments so I can check it out!!!
This is a paper-digi mixed layout of mine, Cam and I sharing a milkshake in Chicago this past summer. The photo was taken by our good pal Amy Martin (alb52). you can see my supply list here.
take two: if just scrapping yourself is not enough of a challenge for you try one of these!
- use stamps to cut out your title
-use your own handwriting ( whether you like it or not)
-alter your photo to create the mood ( tinted here for a retro malt shop feel)
Happy scrapping, my friends!!!
ETA: by all means , please do this in whatever fashion feels good to you, paper, digi, mixed-up, or even as a project. Just have fun exploring "you"

Sunday, October 15, 2006
Congratulations ( hi from Cam)

It truly was a pleasure to meet all the finalists, friends on the show floor, and a bunch of the CK staff. All of you were very friendly and I really enjoyed spending time with all of you : ) Vegas was jaw dropping, but I can't wait to chat with everyone again. I wish you all the best in the future!!!
Alright.... CONGRATULATIONS CD!!! I love you!!! I am so proud to be your husband and your friend. Know that your family, and friends, and ME most of all, are here for you now and forever in the future.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Can you believe it??!!!!!

I am not even sure if I do yet!!!! but here in my hotel room is this sign with my big face on it, and this HUGE cheque for $10,000! So it has got to be real!!!