Monday, November 24, 2008

soulographer and a few random thoughts

I haven't had a lot of time since I got back home to go through the photos that I took in Austin at the Soulographer workshop but I wanted to share these few from my first look through them.

the kids were amazing, and it was a beautiful location. Definitely a different experience than my usual photo shoots with kids, shooting at a workshop with 28 other women doing the same thing. It was fun. I didn't get to connect with the kids quite like I usually would of course, but that wasn't the point of the day.

In other news, gas prices have come WAY down WHOOOT. $45 filled 3/4 of our tank today and that, my friends, is gooood news. It is icy and cold here now which finally has me in the mood to create some Christmas cards and gift tags, the snow was late this year we were treated to a pretty warm start of November which is FAB but so strange for Winnipeg :)
Last but not least, the laundry has piled up once one has 2 pairs of matching socks, and the fridge is nearly empty....ok so wanna know my thoughts on this? I JUST did a massive amount of laundry, and totally JUST went and bought the best ever groceries of a lifetime. Now really, aren't these things supposed to just stay done for awhile?! How the heck do they undo themselves in such a hurry LOL.
There you have it
Happy Monday


Kelli said...

Love the kids photos!

Marianne Hope said...

Your pictures are AWESOME!!! Beautiful!

Hanneke said...

Your photo's are soooo beautiful, thanks for the inspiration!

Please send some snow to Belgium,i love it:)