Saturday, October 21, 2006

The chalking fun!

here's a little visual of my chalk Joy from the other day. you can see our totally chalked black coffee table ( what better to use as a blackboard right?!) and it may be hard to tell from here but Kaiella's back had already been given a pink Ball gown, You can see Emilea in this picture working hard on a glass slipper and Tiara was at the side doing a nice long glove LOL! I am happy to report the table is only slightly chalkie looking now and the fun they had was well worth it!!! looking at it just makes me smile so BIG! I love this! THIS is what being a kid is all about! adventure , fun , imagination and TOTAL freedom to play and create ANYTHING! I learn so much from these three little people every single day :) Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Trisha said...

So cute! This is why I painted a wall in my daughters room with chalkboard paint... she is just now starting to draw on it at 20 months! Seeing this is making me want to use the rest on a table though ;)