Wednesday, May 28, 2008
I'm wading.....
not so much how I planned for this day to go.
Many many other thing I need to be doing with less than a week to go before a big trip, including happy mommy time.
But alas,
Our hot water tank exploded last night and so cam and I are spending the day enjoying the results of that.
Call it spring cleaning, call it time together, call it what you want but it is not a good thing right now.
Rusty staining yucky water EVERYWHERE!!!
Thank Goodness for my mom taking the littles so that we can wade efficiently at least
well, worse things are going on in the world right?!
Just bear with me please, looks like I won't get sneek peeks of my other class up untill tomorrow
till next time
hope you're high and dry and feelin' fine
after thought: any Winnipeg folks who know where to get the best deal on a new hot water tank pleeez fill us in K?! thaaaank-youuu
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Sketch day!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008
textures, photos, answers and a smile
First of all I want to say thanks for the compliments on my spring photos. I have a lot to learn but I am always happy to share what I do know.
Here is the photo that I took of my girls on their outdoor adventure as it looked straight from the camera.

2. My SAG album track.
I am getting so so excited about this next trip
[you need your photos with you]
3. Randoms
Jewelry today: silver sparkly plastic star earrings and a star wrist band
around the house: organizing things into buckets. baskets and big strainers. Letting the dishes pile up.
drinking: a butter caramel iced capp from Tim's
well there you have it
Anymore random questions? Leave em here
Saturday, May 17, 2008
spring adventures
I love this shot below; my 4 best girls so happy and carefree together
Happy Friday and a big ol' CHEERS to spring adventures outside!!!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
woo hoo Zoo Picturama!!!

Whoo hoo Zoo!!!
Here's to many more warm sunny happy days outside together as we head into summer
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
check out my article!

sneek peek

Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy mothers day!!!

Happy Mothers Day wishes to all of you incredible amazing and inspiring mothers.
I was going to list a number of my friends, family and other mothers who truly touch me with their devotion to their families, their strength and their amazing beauty. But I just kept going and going and this post was on the way to taking up 4 or 5 pages! So my friends- you know who you are, you make me a better mom and a better me by the way that you "mother" by the way that you live, and I am so glad there is a day to honor and celebrate this. I can't imagine life for even one second without all of the beautiful "mothers" in my life.
well as you can see thanks to photo booth, I am much happier today;
Back at the airport enjoying my own lovely Mothers Day incredibly delish LARGE, yep seriously- large, TCBY old fashioned vanilla frozen yogurt, and some pink lemonade :)
It's not adorable drippy p-nut butter toast and eggs being spilled all over my lap but it will have to do for now.
I have a date for this afternoon with some wonderful little people and one amazing big one. We have decided to go right from the airport in Winnipeg over to the zoo for a happy afternoon adventure together, I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!
since I have to sit here for a couple of hours please Bless me in the comments with notes on the amazing mothers in your life. Tell me how they inspire you, how they make a difference. Let's get a whole heart warming tribute to moms going on here OK?!
Happy Day to you all!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
looks like I'm spending the night...

at the Doubletree in Denver, which means I am NOT spending it at home hugging my family
We sat on our plane in salt Lake for about 2 hours while they decided that
one of the engines was broken and shuffled us onto another plane. Now I am in Denver crying on the airport floor because I miss my sweet girls,
because I should be at home right now,
because they are all upset that I won't be there in the morning for their traditional sweet breakfast in bed,
and well ...just because the tears come sometimes.
I am safe, the girls really are OK we will all be fine, it is all fine. It is
you know, I am pretty laid back about travel adventures usually. There isn't much that ruffles my feathers in this life, and most of the time I am smiling through it. I have been stuck in the Vegas airport for the night, have fainted and hit my head while traveling sick, bags have been lost and planes have been name it, it has happened, and I have managed to take it all with a smile and a pretty god attitude . But I guess this time I was just really looking forward to being home for Mothers Day, just really missing my family. *sigh*
well, here's to a good sleep and a new day tomorrow
see ya soon friends
P.S. I AM tired of seeing my own mugg on these posts but since I can't load my camera right now and I think posts need pics. my little photo booth captures are gonna have to do for now
Friday, May 09, 2008
notes from a great week!
Went out for the funnest night with my friend Brittany...haven't seen each other since Jan 07 so that was just a delight.
Filming was a blast as usual; It was the very first crew I ever shot with a year and a half ago so it was like hanging out with old friends!
let me just say that at some point throughout the video I.....
- wore at least 6 duct tape rolls on my arms as bangles,
-splashed paint on my shrit,
-used a product called "stiffy" on my limp fabric....and umhmmm,yeah, said that outloud
-and somewhere in there I am pretty sure that I actually heard myself say "Presto Bango" pretty much as much of a dork as always ;)
I have some fun pics of my week but my computer is not letting me load my photos right now...time to clean off the hard drive I guess. But I will totally edit to add when I get home :)
After filming and a few meetings on Wed. I got to hang out for a bit with my friend Emily and her sweetest evah baby- Yindi,
had a fun lunch with the CK staff on thurs. and then headed off to stay with my friend Michelle and her girls for a few days. We have had an amazing time...truly a blessing to know them.
I miss my girls and Cam like crazy, thank goodness for Skype so I have been able to see those perfect little faces. Can't wait to get home now. Just in time to share mothers day! heading out in the morning.
see ya soon
Sunday, May 04, 2008
I'm off.....

On my way to Salt Lake city to do another DVD shoot! YAAAYYYY
Just waiting in Denver rght now for my connection.
I am so so excited, I have been a busy girl getting TONS of fun new projects ready and just feeling creatively happy and inspired in general. I LOVE working with the folks from TN marketing ( the filming folks) , they are always lots of fun. Also gonna head over to the CK offices and catch up with everyone there, have a few meetings and visit with some friends of mine out that way.
Yipeee skipppeeeee here I go!!!!!!!!
ETA: if I owe you an email thanks for being patient with me while I was creating and filming I will be home and try to get caught up pretty soon :)