You've got questions and I've got answers!
First of all I want to say thanks for the compliments on my spring photos. I have a lot to learn but I am always happy to share what I do know.
It sure is fun to play a bit and take a great moment that is an alright photo and make it into something that you just adore, something that really brings the feeling of that moment to life for you.
Here is the photo that I took of my girls on their outdoor adventure as it looked straight from the camera.

First I brightened the area where my girls are; to draw the eye to the "subject"

This is one of the textures that was applied over top of it to get the nice textured look in the sky. It is from a pack by Micheal Smith- aka:ASH a totally talented photographer with amazing textures that you can purchase here. The final result of my play time is the photo in my last post.

And you can find some good "how to" tips for applying textures here
Note: I don't know this guy , this is Not an ad, I am just really honestly impressed with what he does :)
2. My SAG album track.
I am getting so so excited about this next trip
[you need your photos with you]
and I just got the address to the forums for the event so I will put together a list of photos and the sizes that you may want, and post it there.
{Do Not Stress About This PLEASE!}
let me repeat
I am pretty "free" as a teacher, There will be No hard and fast rules, I want you to walk away feeling like your creation is your own and you LOVE it. So if I have used a 5x7 photo and you love BIG pics and you want to use a 7x10"
and if you want to throw in 6 small wallets instead then
The important thing is that you get your stories told and have some fun learning a few cool techniques along the way. The idea of this album is to tell the stories of your BEST BEST BESTEST memories.
For me, I narrowed that down to best summer memories just to give me a focus. You can keep it broad or choose a focus but
Start looking through your pictures now, choose 25 memories to record in this album,
and begin writing down the stories that go with them.
I will See you in the forums SAG friends :)
3. Randoms
Jewelry today: silver sparkly plastic star earrings and a star wrist band
around the house: organizing things into buckets. baskets and big strainers. Letting the dishes pile up.
drinking: a butter caramel iced capp from Tim's
healthy snack: apples and vanilla yogurt
activity with the girls: making finger food for supper and eating it outside while picking "beautiful" daisy-lions
Working on: -some new digital brushes for a guest designer thingie ( RAH RAH RAH...this is totally new Go me!!!)
-a fun assignment layout for October CK
-some photo shoots
-and a cool sketch layout for something special ( come back tomorrow to see!)
Lens on my camera: 28-135mm...feeling like getting the wider angle today, tomorrow it might be the 50mm 1.8 Those are the only two I have so it is pretty much a 50/50 chance I'll be using one of them :)
well there you have it
Anymore random questions? Leave em here
Cool, CD! This texture thing is new to me so I am going to give it a try. Thanks for the links! Hope you are doing well! Things are busy here in Tennessee! Still love your blog and it brightens my day to see your smiling face and your beautiful daughters. Always reminds me of the fun time I had meeting you and being in your class at Nashville's CKU 2007! Take care!
CD...question for you about the 50mm F/1.8 lense, do you love it? I'm thinking about getting that one or possibly the 50mm F/1.4. I'm not a professional so it would just be for my own use. I'm just looking for another scrapbookers insight on it.
cool, thanks for all the groovy lil' tidbitd
So I checked out the texture sight. After ordering and they are sent to my email...will it give instructions on what to do next? Then can you print it, or order it to be printed?
Sorry if these are bonehead questions...I really want to try this.
Thanks so much for sharing. I don't know much at all about 'fixing' my photos. Do you think you could explain actions next. I bought some and don't have a clue how to use them! LOL!
about the picture for SAG. Do we really need them all? I don't have any usefull picutre yet!!. But if we really need them, I will take some!
hugs kimberly
thanks for the how-tos! i love reading your blog and seeing all of your creative ideas.
I have a kinda random question. Michelle Coleman has some amazing pics on her blog, and she mentioned that you had hooked her up with the cool photo actions she used. Can you tell me where to find these actions? They are so cool!
Thanks so much! You are always inspiring.
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