Thursday, March 30, 2006
Our day
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
I thought and thought about what I would want to create or change in my life, in fact I thought so hard I almost decided not to do it because I couldn't decide. But that's just silly now, right? right. See my delema was that I didn't want to choose something so easy that it was like, well, kind of cheating ( myself that is,out of the experience), and I was worried that if I choose something too hard then I wouldn't be able to do it, and end up disappointed in myself. I guess before I blab anymore I should explain what {21} is;
What *is* The {21} Challenge?
It's a challenge that is based on 2 ideas:
1. The idea of creating or breaking (conquering) a habit in 21 days. Studies have shown that it takes 21 days to change. So, choose a habit you want to create or conquer in these 21 days.
2. The idea that art is therapy. We take the 'art journal' angle on this to create for 21 days & journal our feelings,triumphs, failures, etc. It makes the 21 days go a lot faster doing something we love.
(copied directly from Rhonna's blog)
so that's it! She says do it however you like, and it's never too late to join in. She gives a quote each day to help you along. Check it out here at Rhonna's Blog
I finally decided that making our SCHEDULE my new habit would cover so many of the things I thought I needed to change by making sure to schedule them in!
Sounds like a lot, but many of these we do already and just need to make them more a part of our regular routine, and I have scheduled things in a way that feels really doable for us. All of the kids, all of us for that matter, but Tiara especially really need to have a schedule, just to know what to expect in their day. Me, I hate it ( because I'm just a happy free-spirit and I like to go where the moment takes me), and Love it ( because then I am sure to do the things I really know that I want to do) all at the same time!
So today wasn't perfect, but I got my schedule made in a way that I think I can really DO it! And we did at least half of our day according to our new routine, tomorrow I will share my schedule here. Goodnight everyone and thanks for coming to my little corner of the world!
Monday, March 27, 2006
Inspiring Monday!

It's Monday! And that means it's time to share our inspiration! A week ago I challenged you guys to see what you could take from the back of this jewel CD cover. So many possibilities; some kind of circle, angled typing, price code, tear in the background, blue color or white background. As I got links sent to me I was thourally impressed with how people interpreted this. Above is my take on this inspiration. I chose to use a circle, white background and angled typing. I had been waiting awhile to scrap this photo of my baby, it's one of my favorites and I'm always kind of scared to scrap those ones!
For journaling and a supply list click HERE
Spill the beans!
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Sunday fun

I love Sundays, a day of rest and family time before heading into the week. Today we took our kids to a Veggie Tales Live concert. They really enjoyed it and Cam and I, we just mostly enjoyed them enjoying it! It's neat to see Kaiella being more than just "the baby". She was gettin down with the veggies pretty good! 18 months is such a neat age of change and growth and discovery, I just really enjoy this time.
click image to view larger
Well that's about it for today! I have to get working on setting up all the links everyone sent me to their Monday challenge layouts! I can't wait to show you all tomorrow the different takes on the Jewel CD that everybody came up with, it's really great how different people take inspiration and do such different things! I'm sure one of them will be inspiring to you! Anyone else who participated in the Monday challenge and wants to share with us, email me the link, ( my e-mail link is at the bottom of the page) and I will add your layout! Next Monday will be a new one, so those who didn't get a chance to play this time keep an eye out for the inspiration next week! Just so you guys know, I'm not making these challenges cuz I think I'm all FAB and stuff! I just really feel that we all benefit so much from going out of our cozy little box and seeing where that can take us, and sharing with each other just takes us even farther, since we each see things so differently!
Happy Sunday and good night!
Swallowed up!
Friday friends
well Hello!
I'm needing to do a little blog catch up, there have been so many things I have wanted to post about and just no mind to do it. For those who don't know me, I get some pretty severe migranes, and the last few days have been a bit of a headache/tylenol fog. Sooo.....First of all, Friday was Kim Christensen's birthday! She has been so very kind and helpful ( to me and lots of others too), I admire her always striving to improve her life and seek the Lord. So, for her b-day present I made her this page. You can view the credits: HERE

It is just so great to have good friends, Friday was the worst of my headache days and my friend Kristie offered to pick up Tiara to go over and play at her place ( Tiara's second home!)I was able to get in some rest when the baby napped ( 2 1/2 hours!!! YaY) and try to clear up my head, and Tiara was able to have the super fun day that I wasn't able to give her. I feel so blessed to have such a great and selfless friend! I've been amazed lately as I think of the many ways God brings friends into my life. Whether it be buying their house( Kristie) or online through scrapbooking, or all the other cool ways God has brought me friends from all over the world. I just try to have my eyes open enough to see it.
So that's my Friday post :)
Have a great weekend everyone
Thursday, March 23, 2006
What kids say
I was working on a photo job I had done for someone and the last time I glanced up she was nicely feeding a doll with a baby bottle. Now this is no ordinary doll, it's a potty training doll with a hole in the mouth to feed it water and a hole in the bottom to pee it out ( tee hee! Now there's a word I don't usually get to type; "pee") sorry about that, guess I'll never be terribly mature!LOL
anyways.. Back to my story, I'm working away for a minute before she calls all excitedly "MOM!!!" so I turn around to see what is so amazing and she has her little head all tilted checking out this doll totally in awe, here she has stuck the bottle into the bottom end of the doll and after looking hard at it for a second she proudly announces " HEEEEY, My dolly can drink upside down!"
Now please don't think by reading this that we are some kind of crazy family of butt-drinkers or something, we are not! But we have this amazingly funny spunky little girl who makes us laugh so very hard at least once a day!And apparently her daughter IS a crazy butt-drinker!
Not much other news... I'm working on my page for my Monday challenge. I've already gotten a few really great ones back from some of you guys, keep 'em coming the more we can share and learn from eachother the more fun these challenges will be! I'm taking Emilea to Gymnastics tonight, she just loves it and she seems to really appreciate the one-on-one trip over there with me. She's always having to share and she takes it really well but when she does get a "date" with mom or dad ( something we try to do for each of them) she just appreciates it so very much. I'm off to make something for supper
Have a great night everyone, and remember to stop and laugh at the little moments... Then immediately write them down... And eventually scrap them!!!
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
roll in the leaves

Just wanted to share my latest page with you all. I did this layout for Kellie Mize's ad challenge at Designer Digitals. I would highly recomend signing up for their newsletter they have 3 new challenges each week and give beautiful products to use for them. For this one, the ad she used was green and brown and she created the brown stamped alpha used on this page. Fun stuff!
I did this one using one of my favorite photos of Tiara from last fall, she really is a fun girl!( and a total little ham for the camera!) I just love love love these colors! Not much to say right now, maybe I'll come back with something interesting a little later.
breathe in a little fresh spring air today!
a "good" grade

just a quick post I had to share this cute report card Emilea made for our family!
She just recently got her report card- and for our family who read this, it was really great! So she felt that we should have one too, she's just always such a thoughtful little person. This past weekend I was doing some work for a few photography jobs and Cam ( being the amazing husband that he is) was picking up my slack and getting some housework done up...(thanks sweetie) so near the end of the afternoon Emy glances up to the kitchen where he's doing dishes and says " wow Daddy is like a servant today, he really deserves a day off!" I just think it's great that as a 7 yr. Old she takes the time to notice all the things we do around here. Above is the report card we got from her. We got a grade of "good" for work and "good" for Love and you guessed it..An overall grade of "Good"!!! I just Love this girl so crazy much!
In other news, we had a "meet the CT" chat over at Designer digitalis tonight. What a fun buncha chicks!, I just feel so very blessed to be able to work with them all. I always say that God knows where we need to be, and I think he put me in the perfect place :)
goodnight all
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
More Good News!

well, as of today I'm all clear to tell you all my news! I just feel so incredibly blessed by the opportunities that have come my way recently! ( still have one more secret up my sleeve, heehee) I was chosen to be a part of the creative team over at Designer Digitals !!! I'm totally honored and really excited. This is one of my very favorite stores so it will be great to work with their products. I've never been on a creative team so this is all new to me!
This is my "me" page for the team area.
all of the products used here are from Designer digitals. and Cam took these pics of me, (good job babe!)
that's it for now,
Blessings to you all,
~ C.D.~
Monday, March 20, 2006
a monday challenge

I saw the back of this Jewel CD at a friends place recently and it just really inspired me. I thought it would be fun to share this inspiration and see what we could all come up with. So here it is, take inspiration from any part of this and make a page. E-Mail Me a link to your page by next Sunday and I will post the links here on Monday along with my layout. My vision was to have a place of sharing, I think we can all learn so much by sharing our work with eachother. Everyone sees things differently and can create such different results from the same sketch or inspiration. Remember there is no right or wrong when it comes to creating!
Have Fun
and have a great week!
~C.D. Muckosky~
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Natural Beauty and the story of finding my Tiara

Saturday, March 18, 2006
A Happy Friday
Just a quick one this morning, I finally made a new page yesterday,ahhhh it feels so good to create again! Honestly, my family is still young and I only have so much computer time in a day. I was so caught up checking reading and responding to the message boards during the whole HOF hoopla that there was just no time left in there to create. A big crazy wonderful event like that can sure eat up a lot of time! So yesterday was a day of cleaning catch up and creation. Before I go on too long this is an engagement picture of Cam and I, I haven't scrapped any of our really special pics cause I was afraid I couldn't do them justice, but I guess not scrapping them at all is really not doing them justice either. When I look at this it feels like a whole lifetime ago, we had so many dreams but no clue where our life was going to go ( how fun!) so the journaling on the tag says: "we had no idea then just how far our dreams could take us" Its a simple page but I really wanted the photo ( done by Barry St.Louis our fun fabulous photographer) to stand out and be the main focus. To view my supplies click HERE
I got to go out with my great friend Kristie last night and be silly goofys, I think we both turn into crazy little girls when we get out together without our kids. We went to Applebee's for munchies and made sure to ask for crayons and take some silly pics of ourselves. Man, I need that in my life every now and then! My family has all been sick for so long I've been all housebound except picking Emy up from school and taking her to gymnastics, so it was definitely an overdue adventure ( thanks Kristie!!!!) We came back here for ice cream and I got to teach her a few digi secrets....ahhh paradise...A good friend, ice cream, and digi scrapping! What could be better? oh an interesting bit of added adventure Choclair ( not sure on the spelling) was eating at the same Applebees with his peeps...I personally don't listen to his stuff but still cool since we don't so much get star sightings here in Winnipeg,Manitoba Canada. So on that note; I was reading on a few other blogs about people going to the beach and stuff, and it makes me giggle cause we live in a freezer lately ( with a few springy melty days mixed in) so I will leave you with a few pics of the view from here ( just so all you beach go-ers can feel extra thankful!)

Thursday, March 16, 2006
Creating Keepsakes ~ Hall of Fame ~ 2006

skip this paragraph if you are familiar with CK HOF:
Well, For those of you who don't know about this wonderful and exciting contest; every year Creating Keepsakes ( my fav. scrapping magazine) hosts a Hall of Fame contest. This year we ( I say 'we' B-cuz I entered) were asked to put together 10 layouts -(6 assignments and 4 layouts of your own choice). They go through all of the entries and choose the top 75. The very top 25 win the Hall of Fame, and the remaining 50 recieve an Honorable Mention.
I have said so many times since completing and sending off my submission that just working so consistantly to complete it all, and doing all of the HOF assignments really pushed me to grow in my art. Somewhere during the process something just clicked for me and I have felt so inspired in my work ever since. It was such a great sense of accomplishment the day we sent my box in.
That was a great reward and a blessing in itself.
wed. was the day HOF calls FINALLY went out and I was watching the craziness in The Pub ( message board at 2 peas) I am so very excited for everyone who won the honor of Hall of Famer for 2006, how amazing! Like I said, I was feeling really great about what came out of doing Hall of Fame assignments for me, and the other great blessings that have come my way recently ( **I can't tell all yet so come back soon to find out!!!!**) so I was very content to watch the party and congratulate the winners, but then today, soon after I saw the Honorable Mention calls start ( my phone rang........right beside me and I really didn't think anything of it, but I glanced over at the display for some reason and saw an 801 number! was Fred from Creating Keepsakes and someone else who's name starts with a J ...Joannie, or maybe Jana???( I'm so sorry , my head was racing and it didn't stick)...calling to tell me that I WON AN HONORABLE MENTION!!!!! AAAAAAAAA! I am in shock and amazed, and so very honored, I only dreamed of being published someday, this is a really cool way for it to happen. I was strangely calm at the time and just thanked them many many many times but now, well let's just say I really should calm down before writing this cuz I'm sure it's sounding a little frantic and scattered. For those who don't know me I'm ussually easy going and calmer than this......ok truth is I am always a bit of a chatterbox. But anyways.....a Big Congratulations to all of the winners and everyone who took on the challenge of entering, you have all accompolished something great! and to all the other scrappers out there I would highly recomend entering next year. It's an experience you will not regret! I know I'm deffinetly looking forward to doing it all again!
God Bless you all, and good night,
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
I am inspiration...Two Peas Creating Garden!!!

I have to say, being fairly new to the world of digi scrapping I am thrilled that Anne Heyen ( for those who may not know she is a Garden Girl at 'two peas in a bucket', my fav. scrap site to hang out at) asked if she could use me - well my page anyways, as her user inspiration here in the creating garden!!! I was honored and of course said "yes!" click on the link and check out her scraplift of my "little chubs" page she did a great job! And if you have time to wander a bit, the whole garden is just full of great work!
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Feeling blessed to have these girls
But God is great and he has had this way of challenging us and making us grow in a whole new way with each of our children ( just my theory).
Our first daughter Emilea was the perfect dream baby/toddler the kid that goes anywhere willingly and happily, outgoing and always friendly. Thank goodness for that because we did plenty of growing just adjusting to being new parents, and going through the whole adoption process. Then our prayers were answered and she got a sister, at this point we thought we knew what we were doing, since we had been parents for 3 years and our first attempts had worked out so perfectly ( all thanks to our fantastic parenting, right?) . Hahahahahahaha, God had so much to teach us with little Tiara who was oh so very sensitive right from her very first premature moments on this earth. She cried when she was passed around too much and when we undressed her to change her and when her routine was off, when strangers talked to her, when there were loud noises.........Need I go on? So we learned ( and are still learning) so much about being more sensitive and having a good routine ( not so much my thing, I'm more of a winger than a planner). I am happy to say that as a 4 year old she is really doing so much better at handling life, and the world is an easier place for her to live in.
I always wanted three kids, three just feels complete for me. So Kaiella was the icing on the cake. After she was born I said that my dreams had really all come true . This time I didn't dare to think I know what I'm doing, I freely admit that I don't! And I was prepared that no children are the same, and they come straight from heaven as unique little people from the moment they are born. And of course she did! Always a peaceful little person, but something new for us in our little world of gentle tea parties, she is really Busy! Right after she was born they placed her on me and she held her head up to have a look around! She never was a sleepy newborn, eyes always open never missing a bit of the action. Now that she is 18months and can get around efficiently, she is our first CLIMBER. aaaaaaaaaaaa! I seriously have prayed so much in this child's short life that she will simply survive!
so I know I'm rambling a bit, but what I started out to say is that today I am thankful for the blessing of three amazing little girls! And all of the learning and growing I've done and continue to do because of each one of them. Each of my girls fills my life with so much joy in such totally different ways, and I think, just maybe, that I will learn so much more from them then they will ever learn from me. If you have kids how have you grown and changed because of them? what do you learn from them being in your world? These are my thoughts for today so I am sharing a layout of each of my girls. Hope you like! If you would like to see them larger just click the picture.


Hope you all have a great week ahead!
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Just me

Saturday, March 11, 2006
A big Thank-you!!!

I just wanted to say a very BIG thank-you to Michelle Coleman, Kim Christensen and Katie Pertiet for allowing me to use their designs to create my blog. I Love their work so I wrote to each of them asking permission, and they were all so kind and got back to me right away!
There is a link to each of their stores at the bottom of the page, please go and check them out if you're into digi scrapping and are not already familiar with these ladies. I promise you will not be disapointed!
I should mention there are so many other talented and wonderful designers out there, ( see blogs on the right) I just chose to ask these three favs of mine. I think their styles went together nicely, Thanks ladies!!!
A few vacation layouts

My girls in my grandparents garden, they are such good friends ( most of the the time)
I had fun playing with the warp tool in photoshop to bend the flower stems. I've been loving scrapping digitally for so many reasons, but I'm still pretty new to it and I have so much yet to learn! I so very much enjoy learning new things. I love the way this turned out so soft and pretty just like them! and I Love those hats I can't wait for warm weather again just to pull out all the cute summer stuff