I realized recently that I have a serious need to scrapbook some pages for my sweet baby Kaiella. I guess she has gotten so neglected in her scrapbook pages that there are quite a few people out there who think I only have two girls, not three. So I feel the need to explain my neglectful scrapbooking. This baby of mine is our first busy girl, and I mean always moving, always, always. So when it comes to inspiring photos of her I have very few. By the time I snap a photo she is running again or a blur going by. So the other day I decided to document just that; her moving, it's not deep or insightful or particularly important but it is her and this is exactly where she is at! Here is my layout "go Bella go!"

the journaling says: You are always moving,, running, climbing, falling, never sitting still! As the youngest of three girls you surprised us with you busyness, and you keep us all on our toes. Yet somehow while you are a busy little go-getter, you are also a very peaceful little person and such a joy to have around I am sure as you grow, your activity level will be channeled into the things you enjoy and mixed with such a peaceful spirit you are sure to go places girl! Go Bella Go!!!
I mostly used Kim's new Garden collection and Katie's flowers, coming to the Designer Digitals store on Sunday for a complete list of supplies click Here
So in honor of her page and the fact that some of you are just now realizing I have three girls here's a little bit about my Kaiella @ 20 months:
-Her name is Kaiella Serenity Rain- it means peaceful blessing down from heaven, and she really is. The kids call her Bella and its catchy so that's her nickname
- She has beautiful chocolate brown eyes ( like my dad) which was a total surprise in a blue and green eyed family.
-she is great at playing on her own- she loves to do mr.potato head ( recently decided she had a potato too and tried sticking the ears into her own ears heehee!) build with mega blocks, or set up little tea party for herself.
- but...Kaiella is even better at fitting into the mix, she thinks she is just as big as her sisters (4&7) and tries with all her little might to keep up, whether it may be splashing in the puddles, or playing tag or hide and seek she's always right in there!
- she is gentle and sweet and cuddly ( only when she wants to be) , a great dancer ( yeah really!) , and not such a great sleeper.
that is my baby Bella :)
don't forget the Monday challenge it's an easy one this time, I'm half done, and looking forward to receivingg more great links from all of you!